KIT 724 ICT Virtual and Mixed Reality Technology Assignment 2: Development of Interface Application-Virtual Reality
1. Introduction
Fig. 1. Screen recording capture of the application
Application pitch: “Overcoming the fear of huge objects!”
2. Description of the application
Megalophobia is a great fear of huge things and can faint at the sight of ships, planes or even large cloud masses. A common feature of megalophobia is that normal objects can turn into large monsters and if you stare at them for too long, you can see faces in them. Also a common feature of the disorder is that although you know that huge objects scare you, you cannot help but look at various pictures to torment yourself.
This AR application aims to help patients overcome their fear of huge objects by zooming in on common everyday objects or creatures in a relatively calm excess. The target object is magnified by pressing a button in the virtual world. It is also possible to increase the user's sense of control over the object by touching and moving the magnified object. This reduces or eliminates the symptoms of the fear of giant objects. Later on the interface will introduce more objects (e.g. clouds, ships) that the user can choose to train for their weaknesses.
Virtual reality is a digital reality - a way of using technology to create environments that are designed for explicit human interaction. It is, of course, different from our physical environment. We humans operate interdependently with a myriad of other creatures. The world is not designed specifically for us. But with the technical support of VR, and through the use of digital technology, virtual reality can be designed precisely for humans to create experiences that would not otherwise be possible. It can be used for learning, therapy and entertainment, such as in this application to treat a patient's psychological fear of giant objects. Despite the current bottlenecks in wearability and interaction, the future of VR technology is limitless.
3. Interaction Design
The app requires the user to change the size of the object with the push of a button and therefore requires interaction. A common treatment people use for giant object phobia is exposure therapy. This is primarily a series of progressive, self-controlled exposures to giant object stimuli to reduce the patient's emotional response and help them deal with anxiety reactions, including relaxation, breathing control and cognitive styles. In this app, therefore, the patient gradually zooms in on the object by pressing a button and adjusts the progression of the zoom to their situation to achieve the therapeutic effect of exposure therapy.
4. Technical Development
The device used for this application is the Oculus Quest VR headset, which is particularly suitable for beginners to learn and develop VR applications. The application set up is downloaded on the Oculus device through Unity for testing and using the application.
With the buttons set up in the development app, the user can select the presentation and disappearance of the model of his choice for interactive purposes.
5. Descriptions of 3D Models
Fig. 2. Small thumbnail images of the 3D objects
One of more than 1400 3D models of aquatic organisms, insects and plants made available by Kyushu University in Japan on the 3D model website Sketchfab, all of which are free to download and use. The models were created using photogrammetry (taking photographs at multiple angles to construct the models) techniques to ensure their vividness of appearance. The name of model selected for this project is Joro Spider, Nephila clavata.
6. References
- 1)3Dmodels references:
- 2)
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